Well, I'm 65, so 50's are youngsters to me..

Muledeer. I am not offended by you carrying cold, what ever floats your boat. I carry hot and don't plan to change. Why are post about the military carrying hot stupid? We are not talking about deer/elk trying to kill you here, we are talking about the relative saftey of carrying hot and cold. Certainly if a few hundred thousand troops being 18-20 yr sold, scared crapless carry hot into battle or bad guy zones, there is no reson why the average hunter cannot.

Quote by CH "The most recent death I know of was the father who took his teenage son hunting for the first � and last - time. I remember an ATV was involved somehow � I think he leaned his rifle against it." ( I'm not clever enough to do those boxed quotes.

See, it's those damn ATV's. We ought to ban them. If it was about leaning one on an ATV, I don't consider that carrying hot while hunting. I consider it darn stupid for not unloading before you get back to the close vacinity of your vehicle.You cannot fix stupid, whether you carry hot or cold. Mine usually gets emptied about 100 yds from the truck or 25-50 yds from the mules.

We might as well continue this thread. It's 9 degrees this AM, I Have nothing better to do ,except to mayb edo some reloading until the turkey is done and it's darn entertaiing

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles