Got back from elk camp a couple days ago... Carried "hot" the whole time, other than stream crossings on a log and the like.

Commenting because I noticed the comment about checking the safety 15 times a day. From all the yapping we've done on this subject, I kind of self-analyzed how I habitually carry... I do NOT sling my rifle, it's always in my hands. Anyway, noticed that, by habit, always, my right thumb flat LIVES on the safety, checking and insuring it's pulled back, trigger finger is parallel to the stock, outside the triggerguard, other than to often give the bolt handle a downward nudge to insure it is fully in battery.

Hadn't realized just how obsessively I ride that safety. This sort of habit would have prevented your AD/ND, Wildswalker.

As to risk maneagement, I never once wore a seatbelt on those logging roads, and (gasp!) I had three whole beers one night. Not to mention leaving camp in the dark, busting butt into the big woods, and not getting back to camp until after dark.... Oh, didn't carry my full elk pack (Badlands Superday), so I only had one bottle of water, one space blanket, etc.

I am, truly, livin' on the edge. smile

I did talk to a cold-chamber guy up there, but it was hard to understand him through the bubble-wrap he'd covered himself in... grin...

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two