"hey I'm gettin $200 a day to do this chit, lucky me"

That pops to mind in just those moments, doesn't it?


The issue "cold vs. hot chamber" can IMHO put to rest as follows:

Hot chamber only while stand hunting (sitting, not moving) or ferreting (as 1akhunter describes above).

In stand hunting, because it can be done safely and in ferreting because it need be done (one would not want to fumble a load in such instance).

Anybody advocating a need for a round in the chamber while moving through thickets hunting deer, revokes reason.

It has been proven, in real hunting by expert hunters, and laid out in these threads through pictures too often, that hunting thick stuff cold can very much so be done successfully to keep incisting on a "need" for a hot chamber to do so.

Member of the Merry Band of turdlike People.