Saying that one should always practice the 'safer' method might apply to many things that we could not do then.

Saying that one 'never tried it' is not a complete thought. One can easily imagine hunting with an empty chamber.

Always hunting with an empty shotgun chamber is not acceptable in terms of common sense.

I have tried it (rifle hunting with an empty chamber) and its slower and it takes away from a best shot and extra noise and motion happens. Of course it requires a greater effort on gun handling when the chamber is loaded.

I have 57 years of experiance hunting every year in the hills of Southern Vermont near my camp there. The hills are quite steep in many places and care is required.

I carry my gun chamber empty when going in when its dark before legal light and I unload the chamber when its rough going such as a very steep decline, sometimes with snow and ice on the ground and dragging a deer out and as required at the end of the day and to put the gun in the vehicle.

Perhaps it is those who have guns that can not be unloaded on safe when a round is in the chamber who make the argument of hunting with an empty chamber?

Good hunting to all.

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All guns should be locked up when not in use!