This is another favorite

Originally Posted by Cossatotjoe
show up in the strangest places. Anyone ever had one of your rifles load itself after years of sitting in the back of the rack?

I never keep any loaded weapons around except for one shotgun and one handgun in the house. But today, while showing my nephew a few candidates for his new deer rifle, he racked the bolt a couple of times on a .270 and out flies a shell. Now, it wasn't in the chamber before he worked the bolt a few times and there was no real danger because safe gun handling was being practiced, but I was a little shaken, then mad at myself.

I honestly don't know the last time that rifle was used and I really don't know how it was loaded. Well...I guess I know I left it with a few in the magazine but I don't know why or how.

So, I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I'll reiterate the old axiom to treat every gun as if it is loaded because it just may be.

Don't see how handing a loaded gun to a kid and not knowing that it's loaded and then not having the kid check and so on and so forth is consider safe gun handling.

I enjoy what folks think is 'safe'

"Dear Lord, save me from Your followers"