Originally Posted by Jeff_Olsen
We all know that there's a LOT of game in Alaska. Things are different up there. Us lower-48 guys save up for years to spend a week up there. It could be rightly called a hunter's paradise, could it not?

There are folks who think and expect things to be this way to be sure. The part that many fail to understand is how large the state is - two people can be a thousand miles apart and still be in the state- and, given the fact that so much of it is undeveloped, that means there are plenty of hiding places as well. It is truly amazing for some to come here and discover how much country they need to peruse in order discover one of the many critters we have. Then, of course, is the other factor, that being the feast/famine deal. Caribou (it could also be birds or other animals) -thousands of them- could literally be in the backyard on Wednesday and inaccessibly distant in rugged terrain only 20 miles -or a hundred- away by the weekend - or even quicker.

Mostly we - and most other people- don't brag about our lack of successes. And there are many. Those of us who do seem to have "great" success rates also have some rather significant investments in time and financially aquired resources. Going out scouting for a day -or running the trapline- might easily involve $100 worth of gas at a minimum just from the back door.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.