Coyote Hunter,

To be clear, I'm not making a blanket statement that people would be safer with loaded chambers. I should have been more clear about that; it's late in this debate... I'm just pointing out that the empty-chamber scenario isn't all perfect. I'm saying there is a reasonable counter-argument to the claim that we would all be safer with unloaded chambers. There's still going to be plenty of accidents. The difference between the two scenarios would be small in the end, I bet.

But, I'm not saying that that leads to "everyone should be running around with loaded chambers", either. There are plenty of times a gun should be unloaded or unchambered...

...Just not in my hands, when I'm hunting my critters on my turf <g>! :-) That's my only beef- being told that I'm unsafe in the woods carrying hot. Ain't so. And by their actions, about 75% of the Campfire agrees with that, BTW.


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two