Originally Posted by jcdixon77

Iam also a hunter safety instructor and i dont teach people to hunt with a empty chamber i teach them how to handle a gun as if it were loaded at all times

Mr. jcdixon77;
First off I'd like to send you a tip of the hat for being an instructor, thank you for your time teaching the next generation.

To clarify a point, I don�t teach the students how they should carry either, as it is a topic that all the instructors where I teach can�t agree on! grin

What I meant to say and should have been more clear on it, was that I teach them the inherent danger of carrying a rifle or shotgun with a chambered round in the �uncocked� condition where it would have the firing pin resting on the primer.

Indeed we try to instill the thought that every firearm they handle should be treated as loaded, which sounds like the same thing you folks do as well.

Thanks again and good luck on your upcoming hunts.


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