As far as the safety on a Kahr or Glock, yeah, they have some "safety" stuff engineered into them. I thought we were talking about a safety in the classic sense- something that prevents the gun from firing if the trigger is pulled. With both of the above, you pull the trigger, they go bang.

One comment about the safety of carrying "cold". This is not a knock on SeaRun or any one else, but let's look at this from a collective point of view for a sec.

Imagine for a moment that we DID legislate stupidity, and from now on, every man Jack among us is required to hunt with an empty chamber. I contend that the rate of accidents would be higher than if we did the opposite and legislated that everyone had to hunt with a round in the chamber.

By way of illustration, how many people are killed with or by guns they thought were unloaded (or unchambered) every year? How many are killed by falling in the woods, having the mechanical safety on their rifle fail, and having a AD/ND? I bet the ratio is thousands to one!!


The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two