Oh yes: Steve if I am so unaware of the "facts" in NO, why don't you post a few verified published news stories of the heroic resistance fighters battling it out with the NG street by street...you know like Stalingrad (you can look that one up).

Even your mayor was so dumb that he let all the school & city busses go under rather than evacuate the mass of idiots who ended up having to be rescued and financially bailed out by all the rest of who:
A) work and have insurance
B) are not dumb enough to live below sea level
C) are not 5th generation welfare bums
D) don't spend our lives with a crack pipe stuck in our face

Nature will take it back, just a question of when. Probably when the home grown terrorists take out the major cities and infrastructure, the food wars start and there is no power for those ancient pumps.

We got the guns and the cattle...you have Ray (Laffin)