Originally Posted by oldman1942
Crossfire: making threats to have someone killed CAN you get you canned off the site. Suggest you go over to ARRIG, if you want to make BS threats.

By my count, at least according to what they say, about 10 licensed psychiatrists on this thread. While you are busy DEMANDING this and that from Lee, could each of you post scans of your degrees and state licenses? (Why do I think there will be ZERO)

Still no right answers on the 03s'. BTW, dolt, the rifle shown was made years after the 30-03 was history. Do you know why? when, and who killed the 7mm project?.....I thought not.
This is far, far too easy.(LAFFIN)

Dude . . . . . .

You may not be Lee24, but you write with the same style and smugness.

Spooky really.


"The Church can and should help modern society by tirelessly insisting that the work of women in the home be recognized and respected by all in its irreplaceable value." Apostolic Exhortation On The Family, Pope John Paul II