Originally Posted by oldman1942
Pugs which one do you think has anything to do with the Navy?
All are USAF. L>R DUC, ND, SEA and USAF expert marksman.

PSA test is REQUIRED for all men over 40 (IMO) as it's an way to observe and track the absence of or development of prostate cancer. PSA of 4 or over, it's time for a biopsy. Mine hovered in the low 3s for years and then started up. First three biopsies came back clean. 4th (2006) said cancer. On 11/06 out it came (radical open field method)(most foolproof). PSA @ 0 since then as it should be. Yes there are side effects but death from this cancer is one of the worst ways to go and kills more men than breast cancer does women.

we should all thank God that Lee, with his medical, legal, and engineering skills was uniquely qualified to invent such a test.

Proudly representing oil companies, defense contractors, and firearms manufacturers since 1980. Because merchants of death need lawyers, too.