Lee24 is the most intersting person I've ever encountered, I mean you hear about people being "negative attention seekers" and probably most of us if we think about it know aomeone who can get that way from time to time (often times a child), but in Lee's case its an abosulute pathological condidtion. Even if Lee24 held a position that everyone AGREED WITH he would post the opposite, just to gain that attention. I would love to see him locked away and studied by a team of Dr.'s- I would definately make sure to take a field trip to his padded cell to see the legend in person. Lee is the reason Walter Freeman invented the Transorbital Lobotomy, a procedure so simple anyone of us could perform it on our friend here, and send him on his way a couple hours post-op and save oursleves so much hassle here on the 'Fire!
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