Originally Posted by oldman1942
Gee, this really has A LOT TO DO with military rifles does it not? Or is it just the playground bully boys hiding behind their keyboards again? As least one of the "keyboard commandos" over on ARRIG told me he was coming down from SD to "kick my ass".... funny thing... when I sent him a link to WY's castle law, he seems to have lost all interest.

Here... well it's just hot air by "picked last at dodgeball" wimps who are really fearless... as long as they are hiding under their desks.

I find Lee's plan to leave sad and unnecessary because with the room temp I.Q.s that THINK they own this site... well it's not really much of a contest. (GRIN)

OH YES! almost forgot... none of you experts have yet to I.D. those 03's I posted , now have you? So much for "military rifle experts"....LAFFIN

Keep asking the hat... it has all the answers.

Why don't you just educate us ungrateful, unwashed, uneducated heathens and ID the '03's for us.