Originally Posted by fish head

You ought to be careful about where ingwe plans on taking you fishing. From what I heard after they filmed that movie in Montana there's a rampant gayfly infestation. Starting at the "head"waters coming off of Brokeback, Mudddy creek has some holes to be wary of. Bout the only thing in that creek is blind mullets. If he wraps a bandana around his neck before you leave the truck it could be a sign. If he asks you to check out his flybox - DON'T. Heavy 5mm waders is good protection too. Don't let him show you the Montana flyfishing knot using rope around your wrists either.

Just sayin'

fish head

This previous post got me thinkin'. Does a citronella candle work on gayflies?

Maybe MagMarc ought to take a few along. Do they make a citronella sauve? You know, something that you spread on your azz. What about a citronella candle as a suppository? Most of the ones I've seen are rather large (they come in buckets). Probably would only work in the case where someone already has a severe infection of the gay and is now trying to kick the habit. A small slender candle might work if you were trying to keep from catchin' the gay (provided you hadn't caught some before - might slip out).

They do make a citronella collar for dogs. The whole dog collar thing may have reverse effect though, ingwe trains dogs.

Just tryin' to help.

fish head