To put things in perspective, there was a mid-range regional shot the first weekend in March at Panola County Gun Club. There were 28 F-Class shooters and 28 Sling shooters.

All firing was at 600 yards.

The F-Class target has 1/2 minute X-Ring and 1 minute 10 ring.
The Sling shooter's target has a 1 minute X-Ring and 2 minute 10 ring.
There are no muzzle brakes or silencers allowed.

F-Open which there are few restrictions and one can shoot from a rest.
FTR-308 or 223 and use of a bipod is allowed

High Scores:
F-Open 1197-82X
FTR 1194-72X

Match rifle has the least restrictions and one must use a sling, no artificial rest.
Palma Rifle must be .308 or .223, I think a 4 1/2 pound trigger, shoot with a sling, and iron sights
Service rifle has the most restrictions basically an AR 15, with up to 4.5 power scope, 4 1/2 pound trigger, and a sling.

Match rifle 1190-68X
Palma rifle 1185-68X
Service Rifle 1185-44X

As you can see from the scores the less restrictions the better the score.
Also target size matches the equipment and rules.
To compare somebody shooting an all out rifle with few restrictions to service rifle with a sling and 4.5 power scope is ridiculous, apples and oranges.

I do believe this, with equal equipment for each discipline it is far easier to become a Master Class shooter in F-Class than in High Power Across the Course.