It's weird how ithe Chinese covid virus seems more lethal in first world white European countries with superioir healthcare and living conditions.

Originally Posted by 158XTP
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
I'm not sure the statistics are all there or properly represented, or rather the age demographics across the rich/poor spectrum. It sounds like otherwise that someone would be better off homeless in the streets rather than in a nursing home as far as the risk of dying of covid is concerned.

They tried a lot of excuses to explain why 70% of homo sapiens, being those below the poverty line, in the most cramped conditions and we are talking up to 8 families per 1/4 acre( show me how to distance there...) seemed barely effected.

Better immunities of poor folk was one excuse: about the most illogical comment since why do Africa, India, South America, and asia have the most endemic illnesses and outbreaks if they have better immunity... Not to mention, for 1st worlders who have never gone without good food , being half starved and drinking water polluted with faecal matter , doesnt exactlly help your immunity, it shoots it to peices.

Then there was cold climate vs hot climate- disproved as soon as anyone with an 8th grade level of geography considers the seasons rotated around, and also a lot of the 3rd world, gets damned cold.

Then it was 'poor reporting in the 3rd world govermments'- true. But there are also several thousand reporting centres, UN, WHO, western managed hospitals, NGO's, international observers, teaching hospitals and disaster relief camps all through the 2nd and 3rd world, who report things pretty accurately. Especially since 100,000 sick people can wipe out their resources in about 48 hours. Now the data is in, no single reporting region including those with no lockdowns or restrictions has come close to 3% or even .5% kill rate.

then we have india with its 3000 a day death toll, meanwhile India loses 27,000 a day to other causes. They lose 1400 just to poor kidney treatments. Maybe we need to stop the world next to help Indians take a leak ?

A supervirus that cant hit full projections in any region, climate, life expectancy group, DNA group, immunity level, restricted or full transmission area in the whole world in two years and a million excuses why.

I have never seen a pandemic need so much understanding and patience because it cant perform . Its like the erectile disfunction of viruses. laugh