Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
LOL!!! Scared enough to take a dewormer that does nothing but satisfies your emotional insecurity.

The majority of people I know who had covid took nothing. I guess we just don't have the horse butt worms LOL!!! Maybe that's why we fared significantly better in the covid department? LOL!!!
The majority of the people I know that had Covid-19 and its variants were "vaccinated" and suffered worse and longer than the ones I knew that were not ''vaccinated''.

The people I know that got Ivermectin or Hydroxy early on all came out quicker than the ones that did not use the Ivermectin or Hydroxy. All I know is what I observed and I know enough to be suspicious of government edicts that come with a threat of coercion. All this push to vaccinate me so I don't transmit a disease to you that you have been vaccinated against raises red flags for any thinking person. Especially when the type of ''vaccine'' being pushed has a long record of fatality in animal trials.

But M&9mm and DBT, I understand that no matter what you are going to denigrate Ivermectin and falsely call it a horse anal preparation. You got your vaccine like the Australian government ordered you to and now I expect you two are suffering apprehensions over future ill effects and surely by now you realize the ''vaccine'' is not a disease preventative at all but may in fact potentiate the virus' ability to do harm.

Good luck, and here is hoping there are no bad effects from the mRNA shots you took. God bless

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."