My assumptions are:
- 1% death rate from covid infections (without vaccination)
- 100% vaccination take-up (ha, this won't happen, but Ozzy looks to be likely to get 90% at the moment)
- 90% vaccination effectiveness for preventing covid death (very assumption)
- 26 million people in Ozland
- assumes no herd immunity blocking and that everyone gets exposed to covid at some point

Among other things, there's evidence emerging that the effectiveness of the "vaccines" has been grossly overstated, and wanes fast. According to figures in a recent study from Sweden, currently a pre-print for the Lancet, the effectiveness in preventing infection actually drops below zero after about 200 days - IOW you are more likely to be infected than if you hadn't been inoculated.

Recent UK figures also show that infection rates for the vaccinated are now higher than for the unvaccinated for all cohorts over the age of 30.

As well, case fatality rates have increased significantly in the UK and other areas, among the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated. This runs counter to the way pandemics usually evolve, and may indicate that the effects of these "leaky" vaccines - which don't create immunity at all - may include selecting for more deadly strains, a phenomenon the scientific community had already been warned about before COVID19 emerged.

And then there's the fact that deaths from heart conditions and neurological conditions appear to have sharply risen in the wake of mass vaccination, according to data from a number of countries.

I don't think that the picture is a simple one. I have a real fear that we may be discovering that the mass injection of these "vaccines" has been a horrible mistake.