Originally Posted by DBT
I don't bash anything. I point out what is written in the bible and quote from it. It is not what I say that is a problem, just what is written.
And you miss the point of the studies. It is not the government telling us anything, but the research, double blind experiments, etc, that shows that Ivermectin is not particularly effective in treating Covid.
Stories of recoveries are not enough because most people recover regardless. It's not a 100% mortality rate, if you haven't noticed
OK, I'll forget my remark about the test for prophets.

Government officials absolutely made false pronouncements about Covid-19 vaccines, treatments, and prevention. Government restrictions, mandates, and lockdowns did not stop the spread and the vaccines did not work.

Government and especially the big medical journals and the pharmaceutical companies made it very unpleasant for physicians to prescribe Ivermectin. They leaned on insurance companies not to pay for Ivermectin or Hydroxy. Walmart and the other big pharmacies refused to fill the prescriptions. You reckon the government and "science" wouldn't lie about the evidence that these drugs work???

If most of Sub Saharan Africa and India along with millions in the U.S. and Australia successfully used veterinary Ivermectin with good results do you think there would be any "scientific" effort to study those results?

Do you think the survival rate among the Amish in Wayne county Ohio will be studied or do you think some scientist might check with them and see if they had any use of "horse wormer". No, there will be no such investigations and there will be no admissions of the lies, mistakes, failures, and over reactions of science and government all of which caused harm and left very little evidence of benefit.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."