All I know about Ivermectin personally is that Covid-19 came on me suddenly with a high fever and painful joints and muscles and after 2 proper (for my weight) doses it left almost as suddenly effecting a disappearance of symptoms within 24 hours. Would my body have fought it off without the Ivermectin? Can't prove or disprove that, but the Ivermectin didn't hurt me and hasn't hurt the hundreds of millions or even billions of humans that have taken billions of doses worldwide.

There has to be a bad motive for governments to step in and do their best to prevent their citizenry from using a medicine that very well might work and almost certainly won't hurt. What is that motive? At best it is for control and money, at worst it is to get rid of some "marginal" people like me. I'm 71 and now consume probably more than I produce although I am still working as are lots of folks that get a retirement income.

The governor of New York state shed several billion dollars in expense by getting extended care patients off the dole. Who knows why that was done?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."