Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Hastings
I'm sad for them. They were subjected to even more government pressure than we were in the USA. Lord knows the pressure and disinformation was extreme here but apparently much worse in Australia. Our Australian friends hereon the 24HCF seem to be in denial and very defensive. I have known people to deny very clear evidence and diagnosis of cancer.

For them to admit they did a stupid thing and admit that Ivermectin and Hydroxy worked against Covid-19 is just too far a jump to make. They after all are only human and it is hard to admit you were duped.

Save your pity for yourself and you own disintegrating nation, social conditions, a President in mental decline, poor governance and a massive invasion of migrants from who knows where.
Your characterization of the USA as a disintegrating nation is very much accurate.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."