Originally Posted by menstruatingmauser
Originally Posted by RayF
I can repeat as much as you and I have all the time in the world to do it. More so, IT’S FUN!

Don’t like it? Complain to the management.

There you have it, RayleneTard attributing her quotes to someone else, truly a sign of Goat Fhuqk for brains and a desperate hysterical hissy-fit of EPIC proportions. LOL!!! Maybe you could try stuffing Cottonelle in your ears to stop all the shit leaking out. LOL!!!


Oh there’s a hissy, alright. Not by me, though. Why so angry, mauserless?

I can repeat as much as you and I have all the time in the world to do it. More so, IT’S FUN!

You sound like you don’t like it? You should complain to the management.

“When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
- Socrates