Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by Raeford
Just be sure to keep that 'compulsory' card close at all times and your .gov will give you pass.

Ok, I will bite...what "compulsory card"?

Ask your effeminate, lying, homosexual countrymen…..they seem to think they “won” something for being dumbfucks….they’re the ones that are defending their cowardly capitulation since they needed to prove their vaccination status. They’re the ones that think their spineless reasoning for getting vaccinated was their only option for freedom…

Maybe ask your cowardly countrymen what they mean by “where PROOF OF VAX WAS REQUIRED”…it seems to be their GO-TO excuse for not standing up for themselves against tyranny.

Originally Posted by DBT
For those who needed to work, enter a clinic, shop for groceries, visit dying relatives in hospital, etc, where proof of vax was required, what sort of choice did they have?

None….they should’ve cowered and acquiesced immediately to whatever demands were required by the nobodies. You Australian cucks showed the world exactly how nutless cowards react when they are gently backed up against the wall…. They SURRENDER and CAPITULATE just like the dumbfucks did when they surrendered their firearms! 😂

Nothing more funny than watching Australian cowards attempt to portray their cowardice as “winning”, their slavery as freedom and their fear as strength. 😂

I really hope you dumbfucks are learning to read, write and speak Mandarin since you don’t stand a chance. The only reason you dipshits aren’t at least half Jap is because of the bravery of MEN like my grandfather and countless other brave Americans who saved your smarmy and smug asses!

Here 'he' is, Ace, hero of the nation, a legend in his own mind, a man so tough in his own estimation that he can take on the world from the security of his anonymity, a man emboldened to puff himself up to heroic proportions in order to compensate for his fragile ego and countless illusions.

Last edited by DBT; 12/02/23.