Originally Posted by Ruger4Life
The fact is, the Aussies willingly gave up their firearms years ago out of fear. This fact CANNOT be refuted, for there is documented, video evidence of it. “Down-Under” has gone down without a whimper.

Is there a factory spewing out you idiots? 20,000 pieces of gun legislation the US has brought in across its 50 states and 3000 counties the last 80 years is also 'documented' and went down without a whimper.

Just the gun control acts of the 30's has you bowing doown to uncle sam anytime you want to own a supressor or cut down a rifle barrel....
It will be a bloodbath in the US before we voluntarily give up our right to bear arms.

I dont recall any bloodbaths any time one of the above laws came in and uncle sam told you to bend over.

We will die on our feet before we beg to live on our knees. Millions of Americans have this conviction

Well you should be dead then with all the crap going on in the US right now, instead of wasting time venting on some other countries hunting sub forum.

I guess hiding behind a keyboard is easier than actually taking action.