Originally Posted by Hastings
kenjs1: The Pharmaceutical industry is huge in finance and politics. Many billions of dollars involved if not trillions. Easy to understand the motive to keep expired patent drugs out of use when they can be had for as little as a dollar a dose over the counter.

A good friend of mine was being treated with some very expensive drug as a follow-up to his colon cancer surgery. He found out the same drug was available for sheep at the local farm co-op for less than $2 a dose. I think it was Fenbendazole but I'm not sure of that.

I don't believe the powers that be would go for it if a cure was found that would knock cancer down quickly, cheaply and permanently .

Mauserand9mm is being dishonest if he says he can't find anti-cancer action of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on google, or maybe Australia's government is truly censoring information as does Red China and for that matter our own government does its best to tamp down unapproved "harmful" content.

Not really. Hastings is being dishonest by not providing the links (hint: because they don't exist. Horse orifice paste works as well as a cancer treatment as it does as a covid treatment ie it doesn't)

You guys were willing to let people die of covid, so probably are okay for similar outcomes for those with cancer. We know that your country is divided and at least half hate the other half, sounds like a terrible place to live.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
