Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by DBT
Vaccination wasn't meant to prevent you from getting covid, just preventing serious illness, hospitalization or death. Nor was it expected to have 100% efficacy and no side effects.

It was a trade off, that on the balance the vax does far more good than harm.

Time will tell how the balance worked out.
Time is already telling in my neck of the woods. Vaccinated people are getting sick and some have died. Not so much for the ones of us that took the ''horse butt paste" which probably worked on me because I've been referred to as a horse's ass on occasion.

My neighbor friend that I went off with looking for wild hogs in a closed truck is likely the one who transmitted the China virus to me. I'm sure glad he got vaccinated 3 times prior to contracting the virus or he might have died. He and his wife and his disabled adult son suffered way worse effects from the virus than I did or my wife did. All we used was "horse butt paste" except our paste was the liquid version of ''horse butt paste''.

Anyway what's the latest on the Australian actress Melle Stewart that is suing AstraZeneca over the vaccine disabling her?

Still not much more than anecdotes. People are not dropping like flies here. Death may be due to any number of reasons, underlying conditions, etc, and getting covid was probably worse for you than the vax, which is known have side effects.

Meanwhile, the randomized trials that have been done on horse paste have not shown any great efficacy, and it too has bad side effects if overdosed.