Originally Posted by kenjs1
Hastings, you were just a little late in joining the party or would have seen it sooner like the other adults in the room. I saw the effort you were making but shook my head knowing it would only be a short matter of time before the obvious.
I realize what I’m dealing with and sometimes I have to give in to the temptation to gouge irrational people especially when they are defending the indefensible. I’ll bet they would never admit their regrets at knuckling under to their own tyrannical government. If they don’t actually regret their vaccinations I am badly fooled. They are way too shrill in making fun of us here in the USA that stood up to tyranny. I do not know one person that believes the vaccine was a good idea. I met a young man that works as an anesthesiologist last week who has had every single booster and now suddenly his teeth are trying to fall out. He has had several root canal procedures this year.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."