Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raeford
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raeford
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
It still leaves the question as to why you lot from the US are still so shit scared of covid that you gallop to the horse butt paste cabinet as soon as someone sneezes? I mean it doesn't even work - may as well pray to a god instead if you're that way inclined, it's an equivalence in regards to faith.

Not scared whatsoever, have never even seen any form of Ivermectin.
My only trip to a physician was in Dec 2019 when I quickly became very ill much like many other folk, COVID19 was only known to the .gov at that time.
Wife & I fought it off over a couple weeks time[it was quite honestly the sickest I can recall having ever been my 55+ years].

But we didn't have this across America:
" The government essentially made it compulsory when you had to show a vaccination card to go about your daily business. So I got the shot to get the card because I had to."

Is that^^ the definition of "WINNING" in Australia?

Well there is the fact that we had a much lower rate of covid deaths that you lot, so there is that.

I'll bet you lot will always be reaching for your beloved horse butt paste whenever you feel something coming on - you'll never have the balls to face the reality that is does nothing and is not necessary. Yet you are insecure in your decision so feel the need to "spread the good word" to try and obtain validation by getting a pat on the head. You need to have a good look at yourself. You need to do better.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, clearly.

You should maybe look into a mirror yourself[see above]

Basic level comprehension isn't your strong suit, clearly.

You should maybe take some more horse butt paste and see if that helps increase the IQ level a point or two, it seems to solve all else, LOL!!!. Maybe there's some horse butt worms that got into your brain? LOL!!!


Which part of this is so difficult?
"Not scared whatsoever, have never even seen any form of Ivermectin"

Must be painful to be sofaking stupid.