Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by DBT
I don't support mandatory vaccination. The government essentially made it compulsory when you had to show a vaccination card to go about your daily business. So I got the shot to get the card because I had to. There were no side effects. Two years later, there has been no change in my health. I did get covid last year and it felt like a bad flu for a few days, no long term symptoms.
I am sad to see Australia doing what it does to its citizenry. Up until the firearm confiscation and destruction and now a vaccine mandate I thought Australia was probably more free and independent than the USA.

I guess like the USA it is becoming mostly urban and more and more detached from its former rural independent state.

There is no vaccination mandate in place. That happened at the height of government overreaction to the pandemic.

And the same push for control, firearms, social engeneering, etc, is happening in your own nation, in case you haven't noticed.