Originally Posted by JOG
Originally Posted by mtwarden
I'd echo the advice to go in and see someone; not just anyone, but someone who specializes in sport medicine

there is a ton of info on the internet for ITBS (it's a common injury among runners-probably hikers too :)), this article suggests a few ways to possibly combat it

ITBS treatment

Frankly, the article is BS. You can't stretch the IT band - it's mostly fascia. Since ITBS is hard to resolve it has become a topic for YouTube quacks that continually regurgitate the same food.

If an exercise causes pain - do less of it or none at all. The modern approach to resolve ITBS is to attempt cross-training or wait for it to go away by itself.

I think the research on IT band pain is still developing. I have been looking for cures for a couple years now. I tried rolling it with only small improvement. This article seems to cove the most current approach, although I could be wrong. The advice in it is part of what I am trying. https://squatuniversity.com/2017/05/30/how-to-fix-it-band-pain/