Originally Posted by battue

With your 10.9,8,7,6.....1, lifting routine. Do you go thru the entire sequence with one type of lift, or do you do 10 of that one and then 10 of another, and then go back and do 9, 9, 8, 8, etc.

Also, usual wait time before moving on to the next set number....

Tried it the other day going thru one lift type before moving on to another. Around 45 second wait time before the next drop down. Good workout....

the way I've been doing it is 10 reps one exercise, 10 reps the next and then 10 pull-ups (or chins depending on which one I do)- no breaks between these three exercise, once I complete a full round I have to take a short breather, usually walk over get a drink, gulp some air smile and then head back for the next round. when I get down to 3 or 4 rounds left, I try to do them all unbroken

as it's done for time, it's possible someone could do the entire thing unbroken- I definitely can NOT

I've been keeping track of time and I am usually right in the 25 minute range, the deadlift/overhead press/chins goes a little quicker (couple of minutes) than the squat/bench/pullup one- my time hasn't improved much, but my 70% of 1 rep max goes up roughly every one month, so while my time hasn't decreased the weight I'm pushing has gone up

I might have to try going back to the weights of 4-5 months ago and see what time is there, I'm guessing quicker now

it is a grueling workout I have to admit, I always am a little sore after lifting, but this high volume workout- I'm really sore! smile