Will wonders never cease.... just got word Cyn won us an actual full JMT permit! It's a rolling lottery, resets every day for 21 days after the day you first apply. Only downside is it has us starting a week later than her "hacked" permit, and we have a date later in the month we HAVE to be home for, so there's a bit of a risk of a death march now or at least needing to power through big miles even if hurting or something.... but... woot! Upside is not having to ghetto those first 35 miles, plus (and this could be huge) way less chance it'll be really buggy. There's potentially a huge difference between late July and early August in that regard.

Doing the quick math.... 214 mile hike (!) and we have 19 days max to do it equals 11.3 miles a day average for 19 days.... doable, but not a ton of room for error there.

I best get walking. smile

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two