Last night done 1.55 miles on treadmill at 5.5% incline and 3.5 mph, heartrate 118-122 range, felt really nice, still like smokepoles opinion of getting a good workout without having to run, have roughly 10 more degrees of elevation on the machine, and can walk a bit over 4.5 mph without having to break into a trot, so plenty of room left for max cardio.

Went to old church lady's place and push mowed her grass today, Wife mowed it for her once when I couldn't make it, she has some sort of app" on her phone, it's 3.8 miles total to cut the grass, I ate a can of mixed nuts and drank two 20 ounce coke zeros on the way over, [I know, coke zero is the devil ; ]] had the older lady put my gallon of water in her freezer while I mowed, I drank on it and ate the two bananas I brought with me on the trip home, whewww, what a good HOT workout today.

Trump Won!