Originally Posted by gutthooked
Yes 60lb last year and about 10lbs this year, I couldn't do all this hiking/walking with the extra weight. Feels some much better and got way more energy. I couldn't of done it without my health coach I got from my health insurance company. I'd recommend Betrhealth to anyone that seriously wants to drop weight. They teach you good healthy eating habits , also figured out how bad wheat products were for me.

One thing that got me through this rough patch this month was walking some mileage, it was the only way I could clear my mind.

It truly is a miracle when I brought my dad home from the hospital last Friday he walked on his own into the house with me close by to catch him incase he fell. You see he had a blood clot in his pelvis and the blood flow to his legs was cut off and he lost all feeling to both legs. The drs told me he would probably lose his legs after some stents, catheters and sections of the femur arteries in both legs and a by pass from leg to leg and being put in a coma for 2 days. The doctors restored the 50% of blood flow to both legs and the miracle started lil by lil he could move his legs and started to feel. Then when he started to feel better he started to throw up and they discovered his colon was pinched off and needed another emergency colon surgery. The feeling in his legs and feet is coming back a lil at a time. His doctor is a great surgeon and the best around here, we're very fortunate to have him at the local hospital. 

Great news. wonderful!!! Walking every day will cure a lot of health problems with a clean low carb diet