I don't know how your tests are structured. Most reject minute THC positives but, again, heck if i know. Seems like it'd be easy for you to find out, and understand what you found out, being who you are, if you actually cared to.

It's my sincere belief, based on broad and deep experience, that we would be a healthier, happier, more productive, "herd" if this plant was more widely integrated into our society. Counterintuitive? Maybe, but that speaks to a century of .gov propoganda more than to reality on the ground.

It's really about that simple. Beyond that- believe what you will, and do as you see fit, I mean, that's ALWAYS my most bedrock principle anyway, so..... But, as you progress through your life journey, should circumstances change, just be advised there's some tangible goodness to be had here.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two