Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Here's a classic jeff-workout.... grin. Spent about 3 hours under the house fixing a major drain line issue. And a couple more laying on the floor or kneeling and snaking the [bleep]. Good times. I was actually getting cramps in my abs under there, which was funny, because I've been doing crunches at night. Crawling uses everything, as far as I can tell from the aftermath. Pretty tired.

Got a bad cold so that about did me in for the day. And haven't been walking or riding. I think that cold-air "asthma" I had on the one recent ride was this cold coming on. It started in my upper lungs. Tight as a vise.

This is why your guys workout bro hasn’t been here visiting with you all. He’s too busy fighting the good fight against the evil republicans
Originally Posted by RollingThunder
Originally Posted by cv540
They know Trump is heavily favored to win in 2020.
Just another ploy to delegitimize his presidency. "A rational voter base wouldnt elect him. He must have cheated."

It's way more basic than what you say.

The strong prey on the weak for fun. For three years the Dems have abused Trump at will. His response is to cry like a pussy on twitter all day long.

Why would they stop abusing this weakling when they are getting the response they hoped to get?

They will abuse him until he stops crying or he dies.

They've already lined up another impeachment for when this one is finished. Round 2 will be based on his financials. And he will cry like a pussy again for our entertainment. lol

Go on Trumpy, cry for our entertainment. What could be more fun to watch?

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.