Originally Posted by lvmiker
Gunner, you are a big guy and mass puts a lot of strain on your joints and muscles. Diet and exercise combined will allow you to gain the level of cardio/muscular endurance that you desire. Avoiding injury is goal one and the less mass you have to move the better. You don't have to be skinny or weak to have great cardio.

There are several guys on here that are of a "certain age" that have learned from experience what works and what hurts. hint: Battue.

mike r

Thanks lvmiker, I appreciate the info, have already made my mind up that this is going to be part of a daily routine, I did 1.5 miles last night at 3.5 MPH on a 5% incline, heart rate hovered around 110 BPM the whole time, took two minutes on cool down at 0% incline and 2.5 MPH, heart rate was 86 BPM when I left the machine.

Went straight to the weight room and pulled another two sets of 90 lbs on the lat bar I guess it's called, 30 reps each set, tricep push down bar was next, maybe 50-60 lbs, not much weight on it, done a dozen for a couple sets, grabbed two 30 lb dumbbells with palms facing in then slowly raised and twisted them up right 15 degrees then slowly lowered, done 12 alternating per side, then let weights hang to side and done a dozen shoulder shrugs, held em for a rest, then done another 12 curls per side, wheewww! that was plenty for one evening, had no trouble sleeping last night.

Only a week so far, but cant believe how much easier it is to walk, bend, move, work etc around the farm all day long, especially coming straight off the treadmill at night, it's almost like you're floating. smile

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