Are you really happy? with here?? I bet she has made your life hell for a while? I have been in same situation and tried to do everything to please her and she just made it impossible to work anything out. She already had a complete support group lined up and complicit in her decision, other girl friends. I should have said Well Bye and got on with my life. I went to several counselor's until I had a counselor say,to me , that it was her problem and the quicker I realized it the better off I and my kids would be. Tough to be in your situation. I feel your pain.
I would ask her one time if she really wanted to go to counseling. If she say no,then BYE. Save your money,emotion and time. I was looking at it as a loss and I should have been looking at it as a big win. I did not have to put up with her crap anymore and I could go where I wanted and do what I wanted without the fights and emotion roller coaster. Hope the best for you and your children.