Originally Posted by birddog65
I make 6 figures, but it wont be enough to run our house and a place for me?? how does that work?? am I going to be flat broke-busted the rest of my life? She has a degree and can make 40-50k if she had to. will the courts make her go back to work?? How will I be able to live like that.

After my divorce, for the next two or three years I would not have been able to afford to buy a woman dinner even if I had a date. I hope it doesn't go that way for you.

Listen up, wake up!

She has been planning on leaving you for some time at this point. Ask yourself what else is going on, is she burning through the credit cards, she may use the marriage counseling to play you for time while getting into position to tap you out.

The judge is your worst enemy, he doesn't care about you, he just wants to clear his cases so he can play more golf. Here is how he does it. He will set the separate temporary support payments for her and the kids so high that you will be actually wanting the final hearing, but it want come fast enough for you (at the final hearing they have to set the payments within the state controlled guidelines), which will be about half of the amount he temporarily sets. Then her lawyer automatically has three opportunities to postpone and string you out. This accomplishes saving the judge his time because you will be too broke to try for custody, or anything that would take more hearings, etc.

It would be worth it for you to take off a half day of work and sit in your county family court and listen to the cases, and learn how many ways the state divides your life and hope of a future.

Others on this thread have warned you to squirrel away some money. Make that CASH, because the courts can close all of your bank accounts until after the final hearing.

The answer to your question is no, your wife will not be made to go to work, because the court holds you responsible to maintain her in the style she has been accoustomed to or the judge will put you in jail. Of course after the divorce is over she will go back to work or marry another man.

Unless she is deeply emotional, committed, and willing about HER desire to "work it out" in marriage counseling, it is over. So sorry.