This story is offered as a ray of hope...

A friend of mine found himself in a situation very similar to yours...

He is a fortune 500 executive and, enjoying the good life, married a stunning lady 20 years younger. Now I value other qualities, but she is attractive, and I understand his motivations, and let's just say that he didn't marry her for her brains.

Anyway, 10 or so years and a couple of kids later she decides she is now "out of love" and wants to separate, divorce, etc. and asks him to leave.

The nerve of these ..."wives"...

So we talked...

He's looking at leaving his home and family, sharing assets, losing his home, and hefty child support and weekends with his kids that he dearly loves, etc...while she and a long parade of "boyfriends" use his multi million dollar home as a personal resort.

That's a grim reality for anyone to face.

It's so sad really, because he is a really good guy, but being a "really good guy" wasn't helping him a bit in this unfortunate situation.

It even brought a tear to my eye...

It ain't all burritos and strippers my friends...