Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Maybe selecting a wife is about like selecting a puppy.

I mean, its pretty easy to get a pretty good wife or good dog, but finding a really GREAT dog is sorta luck, impossible to predict ahead of time.

Likewise, even with a good wife no way of knowing for sure what she's gonna do fifteen years and three kids later. Some stick for richer for poorer in sickness and in health, other's don't.

Just the way it is.

I read somewhere that 80% of divorces are initiated by the woman.


I never thought about it like that, but do consider myself lucky. Been with my wife, God wiling, 25 years this year.

We're winding down with raising kids, she's become the breadwinner the last few years, and how she put up with me the 1st 10 years I'll never know.

The best should be yet to come, since we have money, time, still plenty of intimacy, and with the kids about to be gone, should get to do traveling we've done little of.