Originally Posted by SBH

Hey Trav,

Based on your logic, my username would've been SB since you have admitted that Super Blackhawk is 2 words. Hence......a 2 letter acronym.

My username is SBH.........count 'em......3 letters. They stand for Super Big Heart. Honest.

I think you need to go back to the Havre school district management and demand your grade school education back...........since you can neither count nor spell.

WOW! New around here, not to mention every other site I haven't been kicked off from yet- doesn't begin to cover it!

I like my Sierra Bravo Hotel, but I think I prefer to carry my Sierra Romeo Hotel simply because it's a bit easier to get off additional shots quicker since it is Delta Alpha. Seriously? SERIOUSLY!

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.