Originally Posted by deflave
I had the pleasure of watching Fireproof last night. Hands down one of the best comedies I have ever seen.

The story's epicenter is a borderline cuckold that married a kchunt. The kchunt hates him because he works hard and saves money so he can buy the things he enjoys. She also hates him because he looks at porn on occasion and rubs one out. Which, makes sense, since the kchunt he is married to is chasing down a different cock when she goes to work each day.

Anyway, he "discovers" that he needs Jesus to save his marriage, even though the kchunt has not discovered Jesus. He gets stomped on like a pussy for the duration of the film until his kchunt wife finally stops and asks why he is being such a pussy all the time.

He explains he found Jesus and she finds Jesus too. And they (apparently) stay married.

I have no doubt this film would help save really bad marriages that involve kchunts and cuckolds.

Dave the Movie Critic

My favorite deleted scene from Fireproof...

Epstein didn't kill himself.

"Play Cinnamon Girl you Sonuvabitch!"

Biden didn't win the election.