Originally Posted by 458 Lott

Then I realized it's not so much that they couldn't present the truth of their clients hangups in a single session, is that their clients aren't ready to handle the truth of their hangups. If they could handle the truth, they would have seen it for themselves and manned up and admitted it to themselves.

That's half of the equation of pscyhotherapy right there.

The other half is helping your patient to understand WHY they are blind to particular truths in their lives. This enables them to fix the underlying problem so the same problem doesn't keep recurring over and over and over again.

We all know "that guy" who's been married 4-5 times, and every single wife is a carbon copy of the previous ones. That Guy can't figure out why he keeps getting divorced, and he never will until he can learn the reasons underlying his recapitulation compulsion.

Simple, really. Except it's not. I don't see many rich therapists, at least not GOOD rich therapists. The ones on TV may or may not be good, but they're not practicing their art on TV...

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars