Originally Posted by luv2safari

It will only lead to added problems if you pursue the boyfriend in any manner. She'll use it against you!! You are a "sneaky, dangerous, obsessed stalker"...

Get the picture? wink

Let that go, and go get a FEMALE Divorce specialist attorney.


Nobody said go after the boyfriend, that would be stupid. He does need to have a detective locate the boyfriend for evidence purposes in the divorce. In most states now adultery will keep a judge from awarding alimony.

In my own divorce a year ago my ex tried to keep her boyfriend hidden. I trotted out 400 hours of recordings, 700 pages of GPS tracking data showing her at his house, and a detective with video recording of her coming and going at his house after spending the night with him multiple times while I was away at work. She'd been lying to her attorney the whole time and he had the deer in the headlight look when he got hit with that. The day before the court date she settled. As I type this I'm lying on the couch in the house that I kept, the house that she started out demanding in the divorce papers along with $2500 a month alimony which she didn't get either.

It matters. Don't go into a fight unarmed.