Originally Posted by dvdegeorge
...and was vacant from the campfire whist I got shcit sorted...

BTW, this is for schittshow sure good advice... my 2nd ex had snuck into my files and knew my 24HCF password, and even though I didn't post in public about the divorce, there was some communication in PM's that she got access to. Fortunately there was no damning admissions there on my part, but imagine my surprise when printouts of the PM pages from this site showed up in my attorney's office. Even though it wasn't something that could help her case, the judge said it wasn't kosher and threw out the stolen correspondence.

Bottom line, stay OFF the innanet when discussing your divorce until the ink is dry on the divorce decree.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars