
Very sorry to hear your situation; like many here I have been through similar myself...

Personally, I suspect things have gone too far to ever return to normal and you need to start taking action now to safe guard your future.

Unless you do take action, you will be wiped out financially, and will probably loose the kids as well..

Unless you act, you will probably end up paying to set up and then continue funding her new single gal life style plus also that of her new boy friend.

No matter how reasonable she seems now about the impending divorce, once her lawyer gets involved, "Team Her" will suddenly want to rip you apart and will go all out for blood. Expect it..Plan for it..Be ready and one step ahead.

It is also likely she will be egged on by her girl friends/relatives ect...

As things progress, its very likely the issue of the children will be used as a weapon against you in some way so expect it coming.

So advice?

Stop being Mr Nice Guy and start thinking and planning a head, and be prepared to be ruthless if needs be..

Before you see a lawyer, think about whats going to happen to the kids..

If you push for custody, how will you look after them? Do you have relatives who could help? Maybe hire a nanny? Have a proposed game plan but make sure you keep it realistic..

Then go see a lawyer ASAP, and tell them what you want them to do for you..Tell them any plans re the kids and see what they suggest.

With her, don't suddenly become an a55hole no matter how tempting..Try to appear to be reasonable, especially around the kids but remember what you are trying to achieve and be ready to switch up a gear as needs be..

Start asking around your circle of friends/joint friends/relatives and sow the idea she has been unfaithful.

Its likely if she has, somebody will have known, but just didn't want to tell you..

At the same time, play your hand close to your chest and don't go bitching and whining about her, nor let anybody know your strategy, or anything else that maybe of use to her..

While you may only tell stuff to a buddy, you never know how that may get back to her ie through his wife or GF..

As others have said, do not leave the home until ordered by a Judge but I would get the majority if not all your firearms out of the house. Do this without her knowing if possible.

Also ask your lawyer now about cutting her finances and making she can't incur any more financial liability in your name.

Really what I am saying is first and foremost look to protect yourself, both financially and emotionally..Remember you did not start this, so you are not the bad guy..

I say that because if you are not in good shape, you can't look after/protect the kids on your terms...



Last edited by Pete E; 01/21/15.