Originally Posted by birddog65
How will I be able to live like that.

If your youngest is 6 then be prepared to live like that for 12 years. Try for joint 50/50. I'm not sure if you'll have to pay alimony in PA or not.

I got 50/50 custody and I have 75% placement, but we came up with that on our own. See if you can? We wrote our own decree with the aid of a mediator. It was much less expensive. We had very different hobbies, so splitting household items came down to who wanted what furniture.

That said, we both had jobs and our own retirements. We split the equity in the house and that was that. It was really that simple for us.

now, I'm not saying there wasn't any heartache before we got down to all the brass tacks.

Camp is where you make it.