Originally Posted by birddog65
I make 6 figures, but it wont be enough to run our house and a place for me?? how does that work?? am I going to be flat broke-busted the rest of my life? She has a degree and can make 40-50k if she had to. will the courts make her go back to work?? How will I be able to live like that.

Im not 100% certain i follow you. What i mean is that maybe she wants something to do. The court cant make anyone work.

With regards to how you would live with her working? Same way everyone else does, go to work, come home, spend the evenings with your family. You might even have to work different shifts. Who knows. In the end, the time you spend with your kids and family is all that matters. Your income has nothing to do with it.

My wife and i both work. We need the two incomes to make ends meet. Now, our kid goes to daycare with a friend who watches children from our church. We pay her and just chalk the time spent working as part of life.

You can your kids will be ok. As i got older, i came to see the things my dad did for me as what they were. The good and the bad. It formed a lot of the things i have done for my son. As it is, there is nothing i wont do to keep my son with me, or in the best situation i can provide.

I never question why i went to babysitters, or any of that as i knew my parents were working to make a better life for us. They made sure to tell us so.

I repeat, you will be ok. No matter how bad it seems now, things will get better. Just make sure your kids know you love them and the rest will be worked out between you and your spouse.

30-06 till i die, the greatest round ever!

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy!

CEO of a Turdlike People: Turds & Tats Division... (per Ingwe grin )